Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy
We require a minimum of 48 hours of cancellation or reschedule notice. If for any reason you have to cancel or reschedule your detailing appointment, please call or text us immediately at 253.709.8725. Less than 48 hours of cancellations will forfeit the required deposit from time of booking.
WalshMe Detail will also retain the deposit if our service providers arrive at the scheduled appointment and for any reason you are not able to detail your vehicle (Example: locked door, no show from customer, etc..)
The customer will also forfeit the deposit if our service providers arrive at the customers location on time, but are unable to get access to the vehicle due to the customers fault for more than 20 minutes from the scheduled appointment time.
All online reservations through our website and social media are subject to the same cancellation and reschedule policy.
Appointments can be cancelled or rescheduled by calling/texting 253.709.8725 or emailing us at
- WalshMe Detail